The Seed of Life is one of the most fundamental symbols of sacred geometry. Even though it is a basic pattern created using 7 overlapping circles, the meaning it contains is extremely profound. So much that entire books can be written just to explain the various meanings and symbolisms associated with it.
It’s no wonder that ancient cultures all over the world have used this symbol in their spiritual practices and rituals. This article is an attempt to summarize the hidden symbolism and profound meanings associated with this powerful symbol.
We will start by seeing what the symbol is, it’s origins, and discuss the 7 secrets associated with it. These 7 secrets will help you fully understand the symbol so you can start using it in your own life. We will also see how you can use the symbol to enhance your creative expression, gain spiritual protection, connect with higher wisdom, and grow from a spiritual perspective. So let’s begin.
What is the Seed of Life symbol?

The Seed of Life is a 2D (two-dimensional) geometric symbol consisting of seven evenly spaced circles that intersect with one another to create a symmetrical flower-like pattern. The symbol is typically depicted with an outer circle, which means that it consists of a total of eight circles (7 inner circles plus 1 outer circle).
The Seed of Life is a powerful symbol of creation and is considered the first and original shape out of which all other aspects of creation emanate. One of the reasons for this is that the Seed of Life forms the base for another powerful symbol known as the Flower of Life which is considered to be the blueprint of the universe.
In addition, the Seed of Life is also referred to as the Genesis Pattern, as it is believed to symbolize the seven days of creation in the Bible. The six outer circles represent the six days of creation, while the central circle represents the Sabbath or the Creator’s consciousness. The 7 circles also represent the 7 Major notes, 7 chakras, 7 metals of alchemy, and 7 days of the week.
The outer circle (which is the 8th circle) represents the concept of eternity or the infinite cycle of life.
Origins of the Seed of Life symbol

The Seed of Life is an ancient symbol that has been found across diverse cultures and religions including Egyptian, Babylonian, Chinese, Hinduism, Christianity, and Islam. It has been found in historical churches, temples, synagogues, books, and other artifacts. The oldest known representation of this symbol can be seen on the walls of the Temple of Osiris at Abydos, dating back nearly 6,000 years.
The Seed of Life’s widespread presence in ancient cultures demonstrates its universality and deep-seated spiritual significance.
Not many are aware of this, but the symbol is originally based on another sacred geometry symbol – the Hexagram or the Six-Pointed Star. The following video illustrates how the hexagram was used to created the Seed of Life symbol.
Symbols within the Seed of Life

The Seed of Life contains within it nuemerous symbols which are all related to creation. These include, the Circle, Vesica Piscis, Triquetra, Hexagon, 6-Pointed Star (Hexagram), Egg of Life, 12-pointed Star, Torus, Merkaba, and the Hexafoil. In addition, the Seed of Life is also the base for the Flower of Life symbol.
11 Hidden Secrets & Meaning of the Seed of Life
Here are 8 hidden secrets that will help you understanding the deeper meaning associated with the Seed of Life symbol.
1. Seed of Life as a Symbol of Creation
The Seed of Life is a powerful symbol of creation. In order to understand the hidden secrets of the Seed of Life symbol, and to see how this symbol is related to creation, you first need to understand the various stages involved in creating the symbol. The following image illustrates how the Seed of Life is formed from a single cirlce:

Let’s look at these stages in more detail:
1st Stage – Circle
The Seed of Life pattern begins with a single 2D circle. The circle represents wholeness, infinity, stability, and perfection. The center of the circle represents God, Source, or Consciousness.
2nd Stage – Vesica Piscis
In the 2nd stage, the circle replicates itself forming 2 circles. They remain connected to each other in such a way that the circumference of one circle runs through the center of the other. This replication is akin to the source diving itself to know itself. This also represents the creation of polarities and the dualistic universe.
The almond-shaped pattern formed in this way (by the two overlapping circles) is known as the Vesica Piscis. The Vesica Piscis represents the union of Masculine and Feminine energies (or the spirit and the material realms) which is essential to the process of creation. THis is why the Vesica Piscis is also known as the Cosmic Womb from where creation emanates.

Within the Cosmic Womb is the Diamond shaped pattern known as the Vesica Diamond. This consists of two equilateral triangles – one facing up and the other facing down. This again represents the male and female principles. The Vesica Diamond also represents the connection between the physical and spiritual worlds and is often associated with higher consciousness and spiritual awakening.
You will notice that the Vesica Diamond also holds within it the cross symbol which again represents the male-female principle. In addition, It also has the Ichthys (fish) symbol that is associated with Jesus Christ.
3rd Stage – Tripod of Life
The 3rd stage consists of adding one more circle to the existing two circles. The resulting pattern resembles the Triquetra also known as the Tripod of Life.
This symbolizes the Holy Trinity in Christianity as well as in other cultures. It denotes the power of 3 in creation. For instance, in Hinduism, there are three primary Gods associated with creation – Brahma (Creator), Vishnu (Preserver), and Shiva (Destroyer). And in Christianity, there is the concept of the Holy Trinity – Father, Son, and the Holy Ghost, which represents the essential nature of God. The Father is the creator, the Son, is the redeemer, and the Holy Ghost is the Sustainer.
Furthermore, the three arcs or loops of the Triquetra form a continuous shape with no distinct starting or ending point, representing the eternal nature of God. Similarly, despite having three distinct arcs, the Triquetra has a single center, denoting that all forms originate from one unified source.
Completed Seed of Life
Finally, 4 more circles are added to complete the Seed of Life. As per Genesis, God created the universe in 6 days and on the 7th day, He rested. Many believe that the 6 outer circles represent the 6 days of creation and the 7th circle (in the center) represents the ever-present God, Source, or Consciousness. This is why the Seed of Life is also called the Genesis Pattern (as already discussed).
The central circle also symbolizes balance and the union of masculine and feminine energies, which is the basis of creation.
Having explored the Seed of Life’s connection to creation, let us now delve into a few more hidden aspects of this symbol.
2. Seed of Life & the 6-Pointed Star (Hexagram)
One of the many important symbols that the Seed of Life contains within it is the 6-pointed star (hexagram). In-fact, it could be that the Seed of Life was created using the hexagram as we discussed earlier.
As indicated in the image below, the central circle of the Seed of Life holds two interlocked triangles – one facing upward and one facing downward creating a Six Pointed Star. This star is known as the Shatkona in Hinduism or the Star of David in Judaism. This star pattern again represents the union of masculine and feminine energies forming the basis of creation. The 3D representation of this pattern is known as the Merkaba (or Star Tetrahedron).

The Six Pointed Star also represents the four elements (Fire, Water, Air, and Earth) with the outer circle representing the fifth element which is Consciousness or Ether. This again represents creation as these five elements are the basis of creation and everything in the universe is made from a combination of these elements.
The Six Pointed Star can also be drawn using the outer circle of the Seed of Life as shown in the image below.

Similarly, you can also drawn another 6-pointed star using the points of intersection of the outer circles as shown in the image below:

Thus the Seed of Life contains 3 hexagrams (6-pointed stars) in total.
3. Seed of Life & the 3 Hexagons

Just like it contains 3 hexagrams, Seed of Life also contains within it 3 hexagons (as indicated in the above image). The hexagon is a sacred shape that represents creation, harmony, balance, divine power, wisdom, and strength. Hexagonal shapes are found throughout nature due to its structural strength and efficiency. Some examples of hexagons found in nature include beehives, snowflakes, the shape of some crystals such as quartz, and the shape of cells in the human body (such as the cells in the walls of the small intestine).
Moreover, there are 6 sides in a hexagon and the Seed of Life contains 3 hexagons in total. 6 times 3 equals 18 and the sum of 1 and 8 equals 9. All these three numbers 3, 6, and 9 are associated with creation. In fact, the number 9 is associated with the completion of creation. This further emphasizes the power and significance of the hexagon within the Seed of Life symbol.
4. Seed of Life & the Flower of Life
The Seed of Life serves as the foundation for the Flower of Life symbol. As more circles are added to the Seed of Life, the Flower of Life emerges, consisting of numerous interconnected circles that expand outwards. This symbol is often regarded as the blueprint of the universe, embodying the very essence of all that exists.

The Flower of Life represents the interconnectedness of all things, harmony, and balance. It also signifies the infinite cycle of creation, continually expanding outward as more circles are added.
It is to be noted that the Flower of Life houses within it many more symbols related to creation. These include the Fruit of Life, Kabalistic Tree of Life, & Metratron’s Cube.

The Metatron’s Cube contains within it all 5 platonic solids that are believed to be the building blocks of the universe. You can read more about these symbols in this article about the Flower of Life.
Meditating on the Fruit of Life is believed to have a profound impact on the psyche, allowing you to access higher states of consciousness.
5. Seed of Life & the Torus
There is another powerful shape that emerges out of the Seed of Life and that is the Torus.
When you superimpose two Seeds of Life Patterns on top of each other and rotate the top pattern by 30 degrees so as to create a 12-sphere pattern, you get what is called the ‘Lotus of Life‘ symbol (as shown in the image below). This pattern looks like a tube torus when seen in 3D.

When more circles are added, you get a more complex torus shape. For instance, when seven Seeds of Life are overlaid on top of one another, each rotated by a small degree (around 7.5 degrees), they combine to form the following Torus energy field.

Here’s a video illustrating the process:
The torus is a powerful symbol that represents various concepts such as wholeness, interconnectedness, the cycle of life, and infinity. Most importantly, as the circumference of all circles run through the central dot (source), it symbolizes the fact that everything comes out of a single source and that the source is present in everything that exists. The Torus also represents phenomena such as the energy fields that surround living organisms and the dynamics of the universe.
The Torus is also the basic shape of all magnetic fields. Even the electromagnetic field emitted by the heart is believed to be similar to that of a torus. Additionally, the energy field surrounding an atom and the aura field surrounding the human body also have toroidal characteristics. Some believe that the Earth is located at the center of a toroidal electromagnetic field.
6. Seed of Life & Egg of Life
When you add 6 more circles to the Seed of Life, you get the Egg of Life symbol.

What’s intriguing is that the Egg of Life symbol closely resembles the shape of a multi-cellular embryo in its first hours of creation.

The Egg of Life also contains the Star Tetrahedron also known as Merkaba (which is the 3d version of the 6-pointed star). The Star Tetrahedron is made of two interlocked Tetrahedrons one facing up and another facing down. It represents balance, interconnectedness, and the male-female principle of creation.

and Merkabah (Star Tetrahedorn)
Also, a Tetrahedron is the first of the five Platonic Solids. The five Platonic Solids (tetrahedron, cube, octahedron, dodecahedron, and icosahedron) are the most symmetrical three-dimensional shapes possible and are believed to be the building blocks of the universe.

7. Seed of Life & Time

As shown in the image above, the Seed of Life can be equally divided into 12 sections and hence can be used to represent time.
Also, as discussed earlier, the central circle of the Seed of Life holds a hexagram. The interior angle of a hexagram is 120 degrees and the exterior angle is 240 degrees. When you multiply 120 by 6 (which is the total number of sides in a hexagram), you get 720. 720 is the number of minutes we have in a 12-hour duration. Similarly, by multiplying 240 by 6 you get 1440 which is the total number of minutes in 24 hours.
Thus the Seed of Life is deeply connected to the concept of Time.
8. Seed of Life & the 12-Pointed Star

In addition to the six-pointed star (that we saw earlier), the Seed of Life also contains within it the 12-pointed star (as shown in the image above). The 12-pointed star known as the Erzgamma Star is a powerful symbol associated with balance, completeness, unity, perfection, protection, and higher consciousness.
This symbol has a long history of being used as an amulet of protection against evil eye and negative energy in both Christian and Jewish faiths.
9. Seed of Life & the Yin Yang

As depicted in the image above, the Seed of Life encompasses the Yin Yang symbol. Yin Yang is an ancient symbol which is also associated with creation and the equilibrium of opposites. It also portrays the divine masculine and feminine principles and signifies that the masculine resides within the feminine and vice versa. So even though the polarities are opposite in nature, they are still interconnected and interdependent.
10. Seed of Life & Infinity

Seed of Life also contains within it the infinity symbol as depicted in the image above. Thus Seed of Life represents the boundless, infinite, and cyclic nature of existence.
11. Seed of Life & the Third Eye Chakra
It’s fascinating to note that the Seed of Life also contains within it the symbols associated with all the 7 Chakras. As an example, the following image shows how you can draw the symbol for the Third Eye Chakra (associated with intuition, wisdom, consciousness, and higher thinking) using the Seed of Life.

The chakras are energy systems within the body that are believed to influence various aspects of our physical and spiritual well-being.
Seed of Life Symbolism
Finally, let’s look at the various symbolisms associated with the Seed of Life.
1. Creation
As we already saw, the Seed of Life is a powerful symbol of creation and it signifies the emergence of the material (form/manifested) world from the spirit (formless/unmanifested) world.
The energetic vibration that constitutes the fundamental essence of creation is difficult for the human mind to comprehend. Therefore, the Seed of Life symbol serves as a concrete representation of the energy and blueprint that underlies the creation of the material universe.
2. Blessing, Fertility, and Protection
The Seed of Life is believed to emit powerful vibrations that can generate positive changes in your life. If the symbol resonates with you, you can consider wearing it as jewelry or carry it as an amulet for protection against negative energy and to attract positive energy.
Since the Seed of Life is related to creation, it is particularly beneficial for Pregnant women, or women trying to conceive. The symbol can also offer additional protection during this vulnerable time.
3. Wisdom & Creative energy
The Seed of Life is thought to be a powerful symbol for creating new ideas and opening new pathways in life. By meditating on the Seed of Life, you can tap into the energy and creative potential of the universe. This symbol is especially useful for bring in peace and harmony into your life, for self-discovery, and for accessing deeper levels of consciousness.
4. Oneness & Duality
On the one hand, the Seed of Life is a symbol of oneness because it represents the unity and interconnectedness of all things. The symbol is made up of seven circles that are interconnected, which embodies the idea that all of creation is interconnected and arises from a single source.
On the other hand, the Seed of Life also represents duality because it embodies the polarity of masculine and feminine energies. As we saw earlier, this seventh or central circle represents the balance of the male and female energies, that is necessary for creation to occur.
As such, it represents the oneness and interconnectedness of all things, while also embodying the duality and polarity that is necessary for creation to occur. Thus, by understanding the symbolism of the Seed of Life, we can gain a deeper appreciation for the complex and multifaceted nature of existence.
5. Interconnectedness
One of the most important concepts associated with the Seed of Life is that of interconnectedness. It represents the idea that everything in the universe is connected and that we are all part of a larger, interconnected whole.
The symbol is made up of seven interconnected circles that represent the stages of creation. The central circle represents the source from which everything emanates. The circumference of the 6 outer circles run through the center of the middle circle. This indicates that all creation is connected to the source and that the source is present in all of them. This also emphasizes the concept of As Above, So Below or that the microcosm is present in the macrocosm and vise versa.
6. Balance & Harmony
The Seed of Life is made up of seven circles that are all the same size, evenly spaced and intersecting each other. This symmetrical design represents balance and harmony in its perfect form.
Similarly, as we saw earlier, the Seed of Life also represents the balance of masculine and feminine energy. This is because the symbol is made up of six circles surrounding a central circle. The six outer circles are believed to represent masculine energy, while the central circle represents feminine energy. The balance of these two energies is essential for creation and is reflected in the Seed of Life.
Hopefully this article helped you comprehend the extraordinarily powerful meaning associated with the Seed of Life symbol. There is so much contained within this sacred symbol that it is impossible to summarize it all in one article. So what’s presented here is only a minor essence of what the symbol represents and the secrets it holds. Its no wonder that cultures all over the world have revered and used this symbol in their spiritual practices and rituals.
If this symbol resonates with you, by all means use it in your spiritual practices as it will not only offer you protection, but also help you connect with the source and expand your creativity and consciousness. You can begin by drawing the symbol using a compass and meditating on it.